The Pinterest Challenge: Fall Edition

Given a very serious event that occurred over the weekend, I was a bit hard pressed to find the energy/will to follow through with this edition of the Pinterest Challenge hosted by Katie, Sherry, Ana and Erin. However, a few days have passed and I thought that this would actually be a good distraction for a night. It turns out I grossly underestimated how long this challenge would take me – yet again! It took one full night (3 hours, give or take) and one full afternoon (6 hours, I seriously finished this an hour ago).

I’ve been wanting to do this:

…for awhile now but whoever I pinned the project from failed to pin correctly. Doesn’t that drive you nuts? Pin fail.

After a quick search I was able to find this Etsy shop that had one for sale and I used that as my inspiration.

I have to admit, I first thought the price was a bit steep but knowing how much time and energy (and back muscles) go into making this chair…it’s totally worth double that.

Even so, I was able to make mine for free! You know, if you consider my time to worthless. :p

The chair originally looked like this:

I found it 6 years ago by the dumpster outside of our at the time apartment. (Jerry should have ran then). All I had to do was use some wood filler to fill in a dent on the top of the chair and I was ready to go! Here’s what you need:

  • Piece of furniture (Might I recommend a piece that is free of curves and too many connecting pieces? It will save you time and frustration if you’re as impatient as I am).
  • Sandpaper (Just to rough things up a bit. We used 100 grit. That’s right, “we”).
  • Maps (Or any paper product really…it could look really cool with just lined school paper. Just a thought). I chose to use a map of the greater Rochester area.
  • Scissors
  • Mod Podge (Seriously, they should really hire me for promotions).
  • Foam Brushes (The biggest that will fit in the container).
  • Water-based Polycrylic (To make sure everything is really set)!

It’s really quite simple:

  1. Sand your furniture (then clean off the dust).
  2. Cut up a TON of pieces of your map or other paper product.
  3. Mod Podge those suckers on.
  4. Add a few coats of polycrylic to ensure everything stays forever.

Jer helped me during the sanding and the placement of the maps on the seat. We made the butt of the chair and the back so they’re always facing outward when we look at it. Then I was left to my own devices which, as I said, took a little longer than anticipated.

All in all, I’m glad I finished it. It really did take my mind off of everthing going on outside of the chair papering world. :)

A special thanks to the lovely hostesses: Katie, Sherry, Ana and Erin! If it wasn’t for this little motivation, I probably wouldn’t have gotten it done!

About Miss Em

I'm Emily, he's Jerry. Newly wed but long together, homeowners since 2006, one child in cat form.
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7 Responses to The Pinterest Challenge: Fall Edition

  1. Your chair looks fabulous! You did an amazing job! My heart goes out to you on your recent loss- our dog just passed last week and we miss him a ton.

    • Miss Em says:

      Thanks so much – it’s definitely been a rough couple of days without Eddie. I’m sorry you’re going through the same thing. I know we’ll pull through but some days are still pretty hard. The challenge came at a good time for me – it was a great distraction!

      Thanks again,

  2. Suzanne says:

    I love it! Great job. I don’t do Pinterest- but I would pin this, if I did. ;)

  3. Your chair is great! I really want to make one of these, now. I’m so sorry about your dog–it’s hard to lose someone you love.

    • Miss Em says:

      Thank you for your condolences. It really helps. :) I highly recommend making the chair. It is really cool to have around and even if I ever leave Rochester, I’ll have the chair to remind me of all of our favorite places! One tip – buy maps in colors that match your decor! My maps were pastel colors so I’m going to be moving the chair to a new home somewhere else in the house!

      Thanks again,

  4. Pingback: 2011: Year in Review |

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