This Just In: Rock On

This weekend we had a house full of guests so there was no progress made on anything. At all. Except catching up which is always on the to-do list. Anyway, I did manage a quick trip to the thrift store last week…I may have a sickness…and picked up this:

Look at all of that curly, swirly goodness! I actually found and left her behind a few weeks ago on my rounds (b/c my hands were already full and that’s the rule around here, if you’re hands are full, put something down or leave it). Plus, it was $11.99, I was looking to only spend $10 that day and I had just picked up my favorite thrift store buy ever.

Imagine my surprise when it was still hanging out during my most recent trip! I’m not sure if I want to leave it as is or give it a kick of color. I think I may have to wait until we actually have walls up in the breezeway where it now lives with my favorite thrift store buy ever.

PS Please ignore the shoes and “decor”…it’s been a long hard road for the breezeway and she’s sensitive about her looks.

About Miss Em

I'm Emily, he's Jerry. Newly wed but long together, homeowners since 2006, one child in cat form.
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