This Just In: Halloween Haul

I love holidays. All of them. Not only is everyone in a festive mood but just after the holiday…there are awesome sales. For example, I got all of this:

for under $30.

Some of it is from the thrift store, though. Like these lime lamps:

The color is off in the photo, they’re actually a more fun, vibrant green in real life. I think I’m going to incorporate them into the guest bedroom for a fun pop of color (it’s pretty drab in there).

The rest, however, is from Target. They have the best after holiday sales. Plus there are so many in my area that if something I’m looking for is sold out in one, I can just swing by the next. :) Here’s what I got:

I love these pumpkins. I had my eye on them since July when they first hit the shelves (that’s a total guess but I bet I’m closer than not). I scored the big one for just under $4 and the little ones where just over $2/each. Not too shabby considering they’ll take me all the way to Christmas decor.

This lovely smattering of Halloween goodies will be tucked away until next year. I may keep the goblets somewhere handy. They could translate between holidays a little better than the faux spiderwebs, you know what I’m sayin? I have 3 black skull candles and thought these two would add nicely to the mix and those Hershey’s Kisses? I have big plans for those. ;)

Oh, something I didn’t notice? I grabbed one bag of regular spider webs and one of glow-in-the-dark! Had I known there was an option, I would have gotten both in glow-in-the-dark. Duh. Who wouldn’t?

Then these babies:

$4.73 before tax and they are incredibly comfortable. That, my dears, is why you always check the shoe and clothing clearance sections even if you’re not looking for anything. :)

Pick up any goods lately?

About Miss Em

I'm Emily, he's Jerry. Newly wed but long together, homeowners since 2006, one child in cat form.
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2 Responses to This Just In: Halloween Haul

  1. Pingback: RecipeBook: Kiss Pies |

  2. Pingback: 2011: Year in Review |

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