Eventful Events: Part 2

Holy Moly! This week flew by! So much ground to cover so I’m going to get right to it!


I spent almost all day Monday working on this little project for my eldest sister, Sarah:It was a little frustrating but the outcome was so worth it (my sister and brother-in-law LOVED them). I found the frames for 99¢ each at a local thrift store with some really kitschy needlepoints in them and all I did was pop them out, get some glass cut for the newly emptied frames (to the tune of $14), bought the black, purple and finally the scrollwork paper (for about $5 total) and then cut, cut, cut! I’m thinking I may end up doing this project again sometime…


Jerry and I trek out to my dad, John’s house in Albany while we await the arrival of my sister, Cate, from Los Angeles!She actually arrived at 1:30AM on Tuesday (after sitting a whopping 3 hours on a still plane in Chicago) and was mine and my step-mother, Jackie’s birthday gift to my dear old dad.


Tuesday it was time to talk and shop wedding! Sarah, Cate and our mom, Joan, joined me for some running around Albany to go wedding dress shopping. It was so great to be able to have my ladies with me and we even met up with my step-dad, Tony, and the groom-to-be for lunch.I am sad to report, “the dress” has yet to be found.


Tuesday also brought the arrival of my Uncle Christopher!As Thanksgiving also happened to be my Dad’s 50th birthday, Chris decided, what better gift to give than the gift of his presence! He flew in from Belfast on Tuesday evening with enough time to socialize and help us kick a bottle of wine and then some. :)


Wednesday was a beautiful day, so Jerry and I packed Cate and Chris into our car and headed for downtown Albany (where the above photos of the two of them were taken).Back at La Casa de Dad y Jackie, Jackie, Cate and I cooked and baked our hearts out while Chris and Dad went to “pick up pizza.” This took a couple solid hours to do since they just had to stop by my Dad’s AOH where everyone and their bother needed to buy a pint (or a whiskey) for mi Da and his Irish bruder. Needless to say, Uncle Chris enjoyed his first piece of American pizza while half cut. ;)

We then dandered back to the Hibernian to celebrate the stroke of midnight that put my Dad officially out of his 40s.



Requiring a post of its own, look out for it in the next day or so!

About Miss Em

I'm Emily, he's Jerry. Newly wed but long together, homeowners since 2006, one child in cat form.
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